Monday, December 5, 2016

Lebron James Card

This is my Lebron James Basketball Card that I had fun making.I started this project by opening a new file in photoshop, then I looked for a proper Lebron picture.After I found a picture of Mr.Lebron I dragged him in the photoshop file, then I looked for a Miami Heat LOGO and I found the one that I have for my background.After moving around Mr.Lebron around so he can look good I searched up the NBA LOGO and once again I added it to the file.After all this moving and centering I just added his name all the way on top and added some special effects to his name with a inner glow and outer glow.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Business Card

  In my Contemporary Media class I created an original Business Card Design from concept to  completion using Adobe Photoshop.My First step was to open up Photoshop and changing the pixels  so my  words can look cool and dope.My second step for this project was changing my background  color to all black then I added my logo to the background.My third step was to use the typing tool  and type out my name and my information which is my gmail, blogspot, and my Graphic & Blog  Designer.My fourth and final step was adding effects to my typed out words to make it pop out  more.This project was very fun and interesting doing and had a great experience doing it.My Primary Color was Black and my secondary color was red and green.My Primary font type is named Lobster and my secondary font type is Arial Bold.Finally my Logo Is the hat and the glasses.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


In my Contemporary Media C;ass I created a professional selfie students card using adobe photoshop. There were several steps to complete the design project.  In order to make my photo transparent, I used the eraser tool to delete the background  and make myself transparent.My second step was to add the picture of my background which is a M3 BMW.Then I added my text by using the text tool and I put "Juan.A"<>"Senior"<> "2017".Then I finished it by adding some effects to all my text and to my selfie. 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Basic Photoshop Technique Project

In my contemporary media class, I was introduced to basic Photoshop design techniques how to work with layers, combine images, use layers masks, and creative graphic, text, and effects.I will use these skills to combine design assets into a simple, unique composite for print or online use. I had fun following along with while designing my own image.


Friday, September 2, 2016

PhotoShop LOGO Project

For my 3rd Contemporary Media Project, we created a personalized logo using Adobe PhotoShop.

The Logo Process Involved The Following Steps:

1.We had to get our background color.
2.Then we were asked to type our name and pick a font.
3.And Finally we were asked to add a design to the font and add colors as well.

In conclusion, I think it's really cool to learn how to create logos in this class.And also because we get to learn many new things and for those that don't know how computers work we get to learn how to work computers.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Photoshop Portrait Project

For my second Contemporary Media Project, I was asked to create a photoshop grunge portrait of myself. The process included the following instructions from this link:

There were four steps that I followed #1 I took a picture of myself using photo booth and turned it into black and white image #2 I got a good worn paper texture. I’m using one from our Free High Res Paper Texture Set. I bumped the contrast a bit using ( Image | Adjust | Levels ). My document is 558×837 at 72dpi.#3 I copied and pasted my black and white picture to a layer above my texture paper #4I bumped up the contrast using ( Image | Adjust | Levels ), the amount will vary based on your photo. Then I applied a ( Filter | Artistic | Watercolor ) Then finished it off by painting it.

Friday, August 19, 2016

In my contemporary media class, our first assignment is to define Contemporary Media.According are the following:

 “New media most commonly refers to content available on-demand through the Internet, accessible on any digital device, usually containing interactive user feedback and creative participation. Common examples of new media include websites such as online newspapers, blogs, wikis, video games and social media. A defining characteristic of new media is dialogue. New Media transmit content through connection and conversation. It enables people around the world to share, comment on, and discuss a wide variety of topics. Unlike any of past technologies, New Media is grounded on an interactive community”

In this statement I’d like to say that Contemporary Media is everything in the generation.The Media is everything having to do with all the technology all the phones.And this includes FaceBook,SnapChat,Twitter, and the list gets bigger and bigger but these three are the ones that are well known.For example I use my phone for SnapChat and music on YouTube Media is everything these days.