Friday, August 26, 2016

Photoshop Portrait Project

For my second Contemporary Media Project, I was asked to create a photoshop grunge portrait of myself. The process included the following instructions from this link:

There were four steps that I followed #1 I took a picture of myself using photo booth and turned it into black and white image #2 I got a good worn paper texture. I’m using one from our Free High Res Paper Texture Set. I bumped the contrast a bit using ( Image | Adjust | Levels ). My document is 558×837 at 72dpi.#3 I copied and pasted my black and white picture to a layer above my texture paper #4I bumped up the contrast using ( Image | Adjust | Levels ), the amount will vary based on your photo. Then I applied a ( Filter | Artistic | Watercolor ) Then finished it off by painting it.

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